Trailer Loading
Loads must be securely tied down or restrained.
There must be no load projections outside the trailer that might cause danger to other road users.
Wherever possible, loads should be evenly distributed across the trailer and positioned in such a way as to keep the nose weight within the recommended limits.
Refer to the manufacturer's recommendation and/or the nose weight limit of your vehicle. See also "Attaching the Trailer".
If uneven loads have to be carried, ensure that individual wheels/axles are not overloaded.
It may be necessary to reduce the overall load to achieve this.
Towing Practice
Good Towing practice should always take into account the inevitable effects on vehicle handling, braking and general stability of towing a trailer behind the vehicle.
- Dangerous loss of stability when loads are loose and move around. Danger of loads parting from the trailer.
- Load shooting forward when the outfit brakes. This is particularly acute if the load consists of planks, bars, etc, laid in line front to back.
- There is a very significant danger of light items being lifted out of a trailer by the slipstream. All items should be secure.
Loading Practice
Loading practice should, therefore, take into account:
- Secure restraint
- Recommended nose weight.
- Balance
- Weight Distribution